Our Commitment to You
We are committed to providing you with the highest level of service and integrity in your financial affairs. In many ways, you are entrusting us with your financial well-being. It is not a responsibility we take lightly.
To do our job completely, we work with you and your other advisors to access and analyze your current situation. We listen to your future desires. Then, once we have a clear understanding of where you are and where you want to be, we consult with selected members of our team – attorneys, accountants, pension specialists, and niche planners – to develop a coordinated plan designed to help you pursue your goals and objectives. When you approve our recommendations, we act as a "tour guide" with you, and your other advisors, to implement and monitor your plan.
We’ve built our reputation over 30 years by providing superior service to thousands of individuals, business owners and professionals, and we believe that our continued success depends on our proven ability to provide practical, cost-efficient, and customized solutions to our clients’ needs. This is our commitment to you.
Kindest personal regards,
Joe P. Moore, Jr., CLU, ChFC, RFC, MRFC
President, Strategic Alliance
Our Vision
To serve first, last and always.
Our Mission Statement
To make a positive, qualitative, financial impact on the lives of our clients, staff and financial professionals.